Sorry Natalia!
The blog will be blue this week (if the blue I have chosen is too difficult to see, I will change it to another blue. Let me know.
The blog will be green next week.
Well done to those people who have sent me messages so far - I would like to see you all comment from time to time so please send a comment if you haven't already. You can also ask me questions about homework or things you would like to do.
Well done to Natalia R and Pablo who have been our stars of the week so far. I will put a separate post on here for each of you soon. I will also print those mini certificates for our fantastic assembly!
Well done to the two Javiers for making their own blogs - they can show you what they have done on Monday.
I look forward to videoing your TV reports next week that we have been practising in drama time.
See you on Monday when we begin our week's reversible and irreversible changes cooking.
Have a lovely weekend and remember to learn those journalism spellings!
Miss Sam