Sunday, June 21, 2009

Help please!


I am hoping that one of you owns the music to CAMP ROCK and could bring it tomorrow.
We cannot use the theatre to practise "Hasta La Vista" and so I will need a CD to play it in the patio.

Hope you have all recovered from camp/playground painting!

See you tomorrow!

Miss Sam


Anonymous said...

Miss Sam, I miss you a lot. This days I've been going to the CORTIJO with Elena R., Maria, Lara... It's great fun.


Natalia N said...

Miss Sam we are all ok in P6 I'm now in P6B with Elena R, Matra S, Angels, and Noelia som new pupils have arrived they are called Mario Lopez and Giselle Exposito.We will treat them as if we were BFBAU(Best Friends Between All of Us )jiji
Love and kisses

Natalia N (on ef your favourite pupils)wajaja!

Miss Sam said...

Great to hear you are doing so well Natalia; your mum has been telling me about your fantastic results in the secondary school. Good on you!

Your mum is studying very hard: are you and your sister speaking to her in English at home?

Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Say a BIG hello to the 5A gang from me.

See you soon,

Miss Sam

Anonymous said...

yes I miss you a lot!


NATALIA N said...

I will tell 5a, sometimes we talk to my mum at home in english...she will improove!!!